We mainly spent the weekend hanging around at Mom's, but on Friday night we got to see my friends Jamie and Camee. I hadn't seen either of them since their wedding, and I'm guessing that was about 10 years ago. It was great to reconnect and get to know Camee a little better. (I miss them already! Ack!) Jamie and I go way back to High School. We didn't go to school together, but I saw him nearly every Sunday at church. Jamie, his two brothers, my best friend and her sister sat together just about every Sunday, and often passed notes back and forth. Seems like there was always somebody having a crush on someone else, too. Never a dull moment there...
We met up at Pizza Hut in my hometown and had some good laughs at the waitress who messed up our order. Some things never change even after 15 or so years. It worked out okay because Camee got her plain pepperoni and we ended up with two free pizzas due to their error...
We went back to Mom and Dad's and played some pool (word of the night - "scratch!") for another hour before they decided it was time for them to head home. It was a very foggy night, so I'm glad they made it home safely. I'm kicking myself because I didn't even get a single picture! How could I have let that happen?!?! Well, there is always next time. And hopefully it won't take 15 more years. ;)
We spent the remainder of the weekend hanging out at Mom and Dad's, shooting pool and taking pictures and playing games. Not all of the pictures were blog-worthy, but I'll post a few. Ethan really enjoyed playing pool with his cousin,
and was beginning to be a pretty good shot! 
My sister and I got in a few games, too. When the boys let us. :)

Ruby playing peek-a-boo with her new blankie from my parents:
The guys didn't get to go out as they had planned, but that didn't stop Seth from acting like they had...
Kibby loves her new tea set from Nana and Bumpa...
...and Ruby loves the old shag carpeting on my parents' basement stairs!

We had a good trip, and uneventful travel home, too. Plus, I got to sleep in my own bed when we arrived home since I had asked for the night off work!
I hope all of you had a nice, peaceful Christmas season. I know that some of my bloggy friends had a rough Christmas this year, and if you're reading this, please know you've been in my thoughts and prayers!