Monday, November 24, 2008

Shoes, Mishaps, and Kiddos

Some of you already know about "Soles for Souls", especially if you are a follower of Angie Smith's blog, Bring the Rain. I have added their button to my blog - you can find it along the right side. Their goal is to raise 50,000 shoes in 50 days for those in need! $5 buys 2 pairs of shoes! To get all the details, just click on the button, or read Angie's blog post. :)
Alright. That said, on to other stuff.
I fell down the stairs last week. I'm thankful it was the carpeted ones and not the laminate ones! I slipped on the 2nd step from the top and landed (on my bottom, mostly?) on the 2nd to the last step. Ouch. Took me a minute or two to figure out if I was still in one piece. I'm so glad I wasn't holding one of the kids when it happened!! Aside from a sore foot and tailbone, I'm fine! Although I did seem to re-injure my tailbone yesterday - somehow - by simply getting up (quickly, I'll admit) off the couch. Don't ask me how I manage these things! Guess I should have just spent the day on the couch! Ok, maybe not.
To top off my week, I got home from work this morning and realized I am getting not one, not two, but three cold sores! UGHHHHHH! I hate cold sores. I've gotten them my whole life (thanks Mom and Dad!) I don't think I've EVER had 3 at once though. I just had one, too, and it had just healed. It used to be I'd only get one or two in a whole year. Maybe I have more stress in my life, now?? At least I can use Abreva now, since Ruby is weaned!
(Does it matter that the Abreva expired in May of '06?)
Ok, on to cheerier things...
I think it's amazing how long you can entertain a 13-month-old with just a little cup half-filled with Cheerios. Wow. Ruby has been sitting at the play table for about 20 minutes now! Of course, most of the Cheerios are all over my floor now, but I'm okay with that. I'm actually considering refilling the cups. Anything for a few minutes of quiet (and happy play for the girls!)

Just a bit of mess...
Also - speaking of playing nice...
Aw, sisterly love!
And just so you don't think we've gotten rid of Ethan:
Here he is! With his sisters, of course. This picture took a lot of patience to get, as well as a not-so-great version of "Twinkle Twinkle" that I croaked out to get their attention. Yeah - be glad there is no audio! ;)
Ethan loves his sisters!
Until next time...
And it won't be long. I intend to post pics of Thanksgiving Day! Turkey is thawing! yum...

1 comment:

Sassyfrazz said...

Your kiddos are so precious~ and adorable!! Yes, you need to slow down so you don't have any more falls, and added stress! Being a mom of 3 can raise the stress level somewhat...sometimes. ~lol