Monday, December 29, 2008
Stellan (updated)
Stellan did test positive for RSV, and as of last night was still having severe breathing difficulties. He is in the NICU, and could be there 7 -10 days. I do not know yet if they needed to intubate overnight. I hope you will all join me in praying for this baby boy and his family! You can read more at MckMama's blog - she was able to have someone post an update for her last night. Thanks!
Hey everyone, I just wanted to send out a request for prayers for Stellan, MckMama's little 8-week-old boy. He is very very sick and they are waiting on RSV results at Children's Hospital... He is having some serious troubles with his breathing. Please pray for this little baby, and his doctors, and his family! He is already a true miracle because he was diagnosed with heart failure in the womb which God healed and he was born a perfectly healthy little boy! Still, this is a very scary time for all of them.
You can follow MckMama on twitter to catch all her updates on Stellan. Or visit her blog, as I believe someone is updating it for her as they are able.
Thanks, everyone!
Monday, December 22, 2008
Not Me Monday!
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
The Mother Letter Project
Monday, December 15, 2008
Not Me Monday!
Hooray for Mondays... well, hooray for Not Me Monday, at least. Read mine, write some of your own, and don't forget to hop over to MckMama's to read everyone else's too! :)
This week I did not contemplate, at least once a day, my sanity for living in the cold cold north. The weather here is lovely and shivering is my specialilty anyway, right?
Speaking of shivering, while we were backing out of our driveway on our way to church yesterday and the temps were hovering around 40, our son did not say, "Hey! I don't even need to shiver!! ...And it's Winter!!"
Of course I did not wake up to sub-zero temps and a wind-chill advisory this morning, either.
Also, I did not skip breakfast before church yesterday morning, because we all woke up with plenty of time for a leisurely breakfast of eggs and pancakes... of course.
So I absolutely did not scarf down 4 (ok, 5) Glazers donuts yesterday afternoon.
Because donuts are bad for you and I am not a hibernating bear... I know I don't need to store up fat for the winter!
I am certainly not contemplating having another donut. That would be selfish... and gluttonous... and I am definitely neither!
What did you NOT do this week? ;)
Friday, December 12, 2008
Christmas List
I know we don't need this much stuff. I was semi-gladly stuffing toys in boxes to donate to Salvation Army. What to get rid of, what to keep? Some of it had sentimental value. Some did not. Some my kids still loved to play with. Some, not so much. Decisions, decisions. Why is this so hard?
And then I thought, "Come Christmas morning, there will be more toys, more clutter."
I began to think of what is on my 6-year-old's Christmas list. Or should I say lists? Toys, toys and more toys. I had a talk with him that Mommy is going to be going through all of the toys downstairs and separating toys out to give away to other children. At first he was horrified, but when I explained how some children don't have many toys and he has been blessed with more than he can play with, we should get rid of some, and give to others who will be happy to play with them. And there would be room for new toys, then.
That he understood.
I was thinking this all through as I was sorting toys... And of how if it were my husband doing the sorting that much more would be going in the box to donate.
And it struck me.
Why do we hold onto things that make our lives messy? And then invite even more in? Why is it so hard to just put the toys in the box? I know full well that my children's lives will be filled with other things. That they will not be left without. There will be room for new, wonderful, exciting things.
Oh how my life is the same way...
I hold on to things I need to let go of.
Seriously. We probably all do, no?
So I began making a new Christmas List in my head. And now it's time to write it down and share it. Because writing it down, and sharing it, makes it much more real, you know?
This Christmas list is not of things I want to gain, but of things I want to rid my life of. Because I do not need them, and it is pointless to foolishly hold on to what I do not need. More than that, these things not only clutter my life, they can be harmful. They can block out the good.
This year for Christmas I want to rid myself of things that clutter my life and pull me down. Things that irritate me easily. I want to get rid of my laziness and my complacency. My indifference. I want to get rid of my judgmental attitudes. I want to get rid of my fears, the silly ones and the not-so-silly ones. I want to get rid of all the ugliness I carry around.
Why have I held onto these things? Good question. Why?
I don't know.
But I do know that I can choose to let it go, or I can choose to hold on to it. I can give it to God. I can ask for a fresh start.
And for those things I have a hard time letting go of (because face it, this is no easy task,) I can ask for His help.
And in letting go of the old, ugly parts...
I can be filled again. With hope, with kindness, with patience, with love.
And I won't have to look back with regret over the old...
Because I won't miss it.
What is on your Christmas list this year?
Monday, December 8, 2008
Mango Elves!
I just had to post this! :) Couldn't wait 'til tomorrow!
Not Me Monday!
It's Not Me Monday time! What did you "not" do this week? To play along and read other's Not Me tales, hop over to MckMama's!
This week I did NOT stress out about missing last week's Not Me Monday and did NOT worry about what to write this week. Nope. Because that would be just silly! Because Not Me Monday is a FUN THING! (It really IS!) :) So of course I did NOT spend hours wondering what to be (ahem) totally honest about...
I also did NOT
I did NOT just this week learn how to do the strike-through feature on my blog... and was NOT thrilled that MckMama gave all of us MckFriends a nice little lesson in it. Because I am NOT technically-challenged and I was certainly able to figure out that on my own. I'm just smart that way. :)
I did NOT punch in late to work every night this past week. This was NOT due to spending time reading blogs and posting on my own blog. I am great at managing my time and would never be late for something as important as my job!
I do NOT spend too much time online reading blogs. I have NOT neglected my housework this week, and there is NOT a ginormous pile of laundry calling to me from downstairs next to the laundry room door. Unsorted. Un-nice-smelling. Un-able-to-wash-itself. Because that would be gross, right?
We did NOT have pizza for dinner about 4 times in the last week because I was too lazy busy to cook a real meal for my family. Because I am always on top of things and healthy meals are so important to my kids.
So there you have it...
What did you "not" do this week? C'mon, join in! :)
Sunday, December 7, 2008
Cyber Baby Shower!
My friend Sarah is having a cyber baby shower for her baby due in January! It ends on 12/8, so if you want, please hop over and join in the fun! :) There are some cute games and you can win some neat prizes! Please see her post for more info! Fun stuff! :)
One of the games asks guests to post a pic of the sweetest pic of Daddy and newborn... Here is Seth holding Ruby, our youngest. She was pretty sleepy!

Another game asks us to guess her son Caleb's birth weight... oh boy. I am not good at this. I am going to guess he was 8 lbs 12 oz. (that is how much I weighed at birth!)
And finally, we are supposed to create a Play-doh figure of a baby or pregnant woman, take a picture, and post here. This cracks me up!
Here is my best attempt in the 15 minutes I had while my kids weren't fighting over toy dishes in the other room... Blue is the only color I had that wasn't all dried out! Also, I see a bit of reddish swirled in. How anyone can keep the colors all separated is beyond me! :) Ethan did help a little bit, but lost interest pretty quickly. (I think he wanted to make something other than a baby or pregnant woman!)
So there is my contribution. Better late than never! :)
Best wishes to you and your family, Sarah!!
Saturday, December 6, 2008
A New Look, Fun Stuff, Zack Days 4 & 5
Thursday, December 4, 2008
Things I Will / Will Not Miss, Zack Day 3
Wednesday, December 3, 2008
Zack, Day 2
Tuesday, December 2, 2008
Meet Zack!
He arrived this evening, about 30 minutes ago (just before 9PM!) Ethan found him on top of the speaker! He is going to watch over the kiddos' behavior and report each night to Santa at the North Pole. Then he will be back in the mornings, hiding in a new spot each day! It will be the kids' job to find him! Ethan is so excited! :) Kibby just smiled a shy smile, pointed and said, "Who Dat?"
Zack should be a lot of fun for the kids this month! I'm looking forward to seeing where he shows up each morning! :)
MckMama's "Rebel for a Cause"!
Allow me to stray from postings about my kids for a minute here, to tell you that MckMama has a great idea. She is having a raffle with the proceeds going towards 3 different charities. The charities? String of Pearls, No Hands But Ours, and The Elison Project. Please click on the links to learn more about these charities, or visit MckMama's blog post to read all about them and the raffle in more detail! (You can also click on the button on my sidebar at any time to get more info!) The prize is a brand new Cannon digital camera (Rebel) package, including many extras! Ends December 14th! Check it out, and thanks for reading!