This led me to start thinking of all the things I will not miss about this time in my life... such as:
*Diapers. Enough said.
*potty-training. This kind goes along with the first...
*sippy cups. I hate washing them, and they don't seem to come clean in the washer. All those little crevices... ugh.
*baby toys all over my living room floor. (Ok, so it will be a few more years before I'll be completely rid of all toys from the floor, but we'll be able to get rid of a lot!)
*separate food for baby. This is already getting better, as Ruby is starting to eat more and more of what we eat...
*door knob covers
*baby gates
*drawer latches
*listening to a scream / cry / whine instead of words.
*our ripped up loveseat that the kids destroyed (although I think this is going bye-bye very soon!)
*booster seats at the table
*booster / car seats
These are just the things I can think of just in the last few minutes.
Of course there are also things I will miss:
*The girls letting me do their hair in cute litte ponytails. (Hopefully I will still have a few more years of this!)
*snuggling time
*tiny toes
*footie jammies
*all those cute little baby sounds (no, not the crying and screaming!)
*first words
*cute little clothes
*the look on their faces everytime they discover something new
*Nap time!
*watching them waddle around on little stubby legs
I'm sure there is lots more... But no matter what I will or will not miss, time isn't going to stop, so I guess I should just enjoy the days we have!
Diapers and all?
Well... maybe not the diapers... but you gotta love this:
And for those of you curious-types... here is Zack on Day 3. I think he is trying to remind me that I need to hang my valance back up! It's only been months since I took it down and washed it! ;)
Yes, those things will not be missed, and I can understand/relate. We are starting all over with the "baby" stuff again in a month! I wonder if this will be the last run through with the baby stuff for us...
Children are such a blessing!
Then, we get double blessed with grandkids, so all the "stuff" comes back~ hopefully. :)
Love the ponies!! How fun!
That is a fun hideout for Zack!
Yeah, hopefully peple who read this know that I love my kids and all of that stuff I mentioned is TOTALLY worth it... I was just struck by how different my life will be in few years.
Um, unless we decide to have another baby! (But we are leaning definitely, way toward no!) ;)
And yes, I DO believe children are a blessing. I thank God for mine every. single. day. :)
Your kids are absolutely beautiful! Bless you as you enjoy ALL the good, bad and ugly :-) of diapers and pigtails.
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