If you haven't heard, Angie Smith and Jessica Turner have started an online, virtual book club thingy that's pretty cool. They have named it Bloom, and I'm super excited to share about it with all of you. They have a blog set up and a Ning site (which I was previously unfamiliar with, but have been checking it out today and it's an amazingly clever little interactive community!) You'll notice the new Bloom button in my sidebar, and you're all welcome to click over and check it out. The first book we're reading together is Crazy Love; Overwhelmed by a Relentless God by Francis Chan.
The idea is that we'll all get the book (I've started reading it. So good!) and we'll read a chapter a week, and Angie and/or Jess will post their thoughts on Sunday nights on the blog, and we'll chime in with our thoughts in the comments and in the ning community.
(Angie and Jess really do a much better job of explaining it themselves, so if you want to check out what they have to say, click here or here!)
Here is their video (attempt) at explaining and / or introducing Bloom. You gotta love these girls, no? :)
Bloom Introduction from angie smith on Vimeo.
But seriously. Join us. The more the merrier!
Susan I just realized that I don't think I've seen you at all since you got pregnant this time around...:-( Francis Chan is an amazing pastor. We got to watch one of his messages this summer on video at church. I bet the book is great. I'd love to join a book club and a virtual one sounds awesome... but alas...I'm overextended... again... Take care!
Hi Wendy! Even if you don't have the time to join the book club, read the book on your own anyway! I know you're busy, but at least put it on your list of must-reads... it's sooo good (and not very long). I'm only in chapter 2 so far, but I highly recommend it! :) He is a gifted writer! Cool that you got to see one of his messages!!
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